亚洲留学 / 韩国 / 留学新闻 /发布时间:2010-07-29
韩国的“学院”(韩语称“学院”,英语名称一般使用Institute 或College )主要是由社会力量创办的非学历教育机构。
* Agricultural Cooperative College
* Ajou Motor College
* Andong Science College
* Ansan College
* Ansan College of Technology
* Anyang Technical College
* Baekseok College of Cultural Studies
* Baewha Women's College
* Bucheon College
* Busan Arts college
* Busan College of Information Technology
* Busan Kyeongsang College
* Byuksung College
* Catholic Sangji College
* Ceonju Kijeon Women's College
* Changshin College
* Changwon College
* Cheju Halla College
* Cheju Tourism College
* Cheonan Yonam College
* Cheongyang College
* Choonhae College
* Chosun College of Science & Technology
* Chosun Nursing College
* Christian College of Nursing
* Songgok College
* Chung Cheong College
* Chungbuk provincial College of Science & Technology
* Chungkang College of Cultural Industries
* Chunnam Techno College
* Daedong College
* Daeduk College
* Daegu Health College
* Daegu Mirae College
* Daegu Polytechnic college
* Daegu Technical college
* Daejeon Health Science College
* Daekyeung College
* Daelim College
* Daewon Science college
* Dong Seoul College
* Dong-A College
* Dong-Ah Broadcasting College
* Dong-Eui Institute of Technology
* Dongju College
* Dongkang College
* Dongnam Health College
* Dong-Pusan College
* Dong-U College
* Dongyang Technical College
* Doowon Technical College
* Geochang Provincial College
* Gimcheon College
* Gimhae College
* Gumi College
* Gwang Yang Health College
* Gyeongdo Provincial College
* Hallym College
* Han Yeong College
* Hanyang Women's College
* Hyechon College
* Hyejeon College
* Iksan National college
* Incheon City College
* Induk Institute of Technology
* Inha Technical College
* Jaeneung College
* Jangan College
* Jeju College of Technology
* Jeonbuk Science College
* Jeonju Vision College
* Jeonnam Provincial Collage of Namdo
* Jinju Health College
* Juseong College
* Kang Neung Yeong Dong College
* Kangwon Provincial College
* Kangwon Tourism College
* Kaywon School of Art And Design
* Keimyung College
* Keukdong College
* Kimcheon Science College
* Kimpo College
* Koje College
* Kongju Communication Arts College
* Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare
* Korea National Railroad College
* Korea Tourism College
* Kunjang College
* Kunsan College of Nursing
* Kwangju Health College
* Kyongbuk College of Science
* Kyonggi Institute Technology
* Kyungbok College
* Kyungbuk College
* Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College
* Kyungdong College of Techno-Information
* Kyungin Women's College
* Kyungmin College
* Kyungmoon College
* Kyungnam College of Information & Technology
* Kyungwon College
* Masan College
* Mokpo Science College
* Munkyung College
* Myongji College
* Naju College
* Namhae College
* National Medical Center College of Nursing
* Osan College
* Paekche Arts College
* Pohang College
* Pusan Women's College
* Red Cross College of Nursing
* Saekyung College
* Sahmyook Nursing & Health College
* Sangji Youngseo College
* Seoil College
* Seojeong College
* Seokang College
* Seoul Health College
* Seoul Institute of the Arts
* Seoul Women's College of Nursing
* Shin Heung College
* Shingu College
* Shinsung College
* Sohae College
* Songho College
* Songwon College
* Soong Eui Women's College
* Sorabol College
* Suncheon Cheongam College
* Sunchon First College
* Sungduk College
* Sunghwa College
* Sunlin College
* Suwon Science College
* Suwon Women's College
* Taegu Science College
* Tongwon College
* Ulsan College
* Wonju National College
* Wonkwang Health Science College
* Woongji Accounting & Tax College
* Woosong Information College
* Woosong Technical College
* Yangsan College
* Yeojoo Institute of Technology
* Yeungjin College
* Yeungnam College of Science & Technology
* Yonam Institute of Digtal Technology
* Yongin Songdam College
* Yuhan College
* Berea University of Graduate Studies
* Daehan Theological Seminary
* Gospel Theological Seminary
* Hapdong Theological Seminary
* Information and Communication University
* International Design School For Advanced Studies
* Jungang Graduate School of Theology
* KDI School of International Policy and Management
* Kukje Theological University and Seminary
* Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology
* Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology
* Sungsan Hyodo University of Graduate Studies
* Seoul Sports Graduate School
* Transnational Law & Business University
* Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
* Westminster Graduate School of Theology
* Won Buddhism Graduate School
* Yeail Thological Seminary
* Ajou University
* Andong National University
* Anyang University
* Asia United Theological University
* Busan National University of Education
* Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary
* Calvin University
* Catholic University of Daegu
* Catholic University of Pusan
* Changwon Nationao University
* Cheju National University
* Cheju National University of Education
* Chinju National University of Education
* Chodang University
* Chonan University
* Chonbuk National University
* Chonbuk National University of Education
* Chongju University
* Chongshin University
* Chonnam National University
* Chosun University
* Chugye University for Arts
* Chunchen National University of Education
* Chung-Ang University
* Chungbuk National University
* Chungju National University
* Chungnam National University
* Chungwoon University
* College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University
* Daebul University
* Daegu Haany University(200较快以前为Kyungsan University)
* Daegu National University of Education
* Daegu University
* Daejeon University
* Dae Jin University
* Dan Kook University
* Dong-A University
* Dongduk Women’s University
* Dong-eui University
* Dongguk University
* Donghae University
* Dongseo University
* Dongshin University
* Dongyang University
* Duksung Women’s University
* Eulji University Scool of Medicine
* Ewha Womans University
* Far East University
* Gachon Medical Shool
* Gongju National University of Education
* Gyeongsang National University
* Halla University
* Hallym University
* Hanbat National University
* Handong University
* Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary
* Hankuk Aviation University
* Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
* Hankyong National University
* Hanl Yo University
* Han Nam University
* Hansei University
* Hanseo University
* Hansung University
* Hanyang University
* Hanyoung Theological University
* Honam Theological University & Seminary
* Honam University
* Hongik University
* Hoseo University
* Howon University
* Hyupsung University
* Incheon Catholic University
* Inchon National University of Education
* Information and Communication University
* Inha University
* Inje University
* Jeonju National University of Education
* Jeonju University
* Jinju National University of Industry
* Joongbu University
* Jungang Seunggha University
* KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
* Kangnam University
* Kangnung National University
* Kangwon National University
* Kaya University
* Keimyung University
* Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social-welfare
* Kongju National University
* Konkuk University
* Konyang University
* Kookmin University
* Korea Baptist Theological College& Seminary
* Korea Maritime University
* Korea National Open University
* Korea National University of Education
* Korea Nazarene University
* Korea Polytechnic University
* Korea University
* Korea University of Technology and Education
* Korea Bible University
* Korea National University of Physical Education
* Kosin University
* Kumoh National University of Technology
* Kunsan National University
* Kwandong University
* Kwangju Catholic University
* Kwangju National University of Education
* Kwangju University
* Kwangju Women’s University
* Kwangshin University
* Kwangwoon University
* Kyonggi University
* Kyongju University
* Kyungdong University
* Kyung Hee University
* Kyungil University
* Kyungnam University
* Kyungpook National University
* Kyungsung University
* Kyungwon University
* Kyungwoon University
* Luther Theological University
* Methodist Theological Seminary
* Miryng National University
* Mokpo Catholic University
* Mokpo National Maritime University
* Mokpo National University
* Mokwon University
* Myong Ji University
* Myungsin University
* Nambu University
* Namseoul University
* Pai Chai University
* Pohang University of Science and Technology
* Presbyterian Collegeand Theological Seminary
* Pukyong National University
* Pusan National University
* Pusan University of Foreign Studies
* Pyongtaek University
* Sahmyook University
* Samchok National University
* Sangji University
* Sangju National University
* Sangmyung University
* Sejong University
* Semyung University
* Seokyeong University
* Seonam University
* Seoul Christian University
* Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary
* Seoul National University
* Seoul National University of Education
* Seoul National University of Technology
* Seoul Theological University
* Seoul Woman’s University
* Seowon University
* Silla University
* Sogang University
* Sookmyung Women’s University
* Soonchunhyang University
* Soong Sil University
* Sunchon National University
* Sungkonghoe University
* Sung Kyul University
* Sung Kyun Kwan University
* Sungshin Women’s University
* Sunmoon University
* Sunwon Catholic University
* Taegu Arts University
* Taejon Catholic University
* Taeshin Christian University
* Tamna University
* The Catholic University of Korea
* The University of Seoul
* The University of Suwon
* Tongmyong University of Information Technology
* Uiduk University
* University of Incheon
* University of Ulsan
* Wonkwang University
* Woosong University
* Woosuk University
* Yeungnam University
* Yewon University
* Yongin University
* Yonsei University
* Yosu National University
* Youngdong University
* Youngnam Theological College& Seminary
* Youngsan University
* Youngsan Won-Buddhist University
上一篇: “外国留学生咨询中心”在韩国成立
下一篇: 韩国留学:韩国缺哪种人才?
地址:江苏省盐城市亭湖区黄海街道 解放南路188号,缤纷亚洲188-92